"I found TJ on tiktok his energy and personality is what drew me in. I mentioned that I was looking for a cruise to. Alaska and he said, give me a call. Called the next day. Got a really good quote from him. He found deals that I didn't find when I was trying to look online. Called a few days later and booked the trip. Well, on the way to the airport, my husband that lost 3 times so we were late for a flight and we missed it. I went into a panic, and the first thing I did was called TJ. He was amazing, he settled me down. Made sure that we had a hotel to where we were rerouted to and told me that he would take care of the hotel and I could saddle it with my bill when I came back. You don't find travel agents to do that. He went out of his way. Never pressured me for the sale. And helped me in my time of need. What more would you need in a travel agent than that?"
Dee J.
Alaska Vacation